APA Style: Formatting an academic paper 2025

Formatting an academic paper in APA

This style was developed by the American Psychological Association ( APA ) to establish uniformity of style in the writing world. They include issues to do with moderation, organization as well as citation, which makes it easier for the readers to get through research papers. 

Apa Format Essay Step-by-Step

  • Marginal structures should be checked at one inch all around.
  • The font should be easy to read: When it comes to font type, it is recommended that one uses Times New Roman and a size greater than 12.
  • Double-space the entire contents of the paper from the title page to the references page beginning at the start of the manuscript.
  • In the header, insert a running head and the numbers of the page.

Crafting the Title Page

For student papers, include:

  • Title of the paper.
  • Author’s name.
  • Institutional affiliation.
  • Course name and instructor.
  • Submission date.
  • Some professional papers may also contain an author note as well.

Writing the Abstract

The abstract (150-250 words long) states your area of study and proposed research question, designed approach, results, and perceived outcomes or recommendations respectively.

Structuring the Main Body

  • Introduction
  • Methodology: There are two methods of research, qualitative or quantitative, which method did you use?
  • Results: Present your findings.
  • Discussion: Analyze your findings and conclude their meaning.

How to Format a Scholarly Paper in APA Style

APA  Format
APA Format
  • Running Head: For the professional papers, you want to type in a shortened name of the paper in all capitals on the top right corner of the first and last page along with page numbers.
  • Headings: Businesses should use APA’s five levels of headings as section subdivisions.
  • References: The reference page starts on a new page, and the word ‘References’ is typed in capital letters across the heading.

Writing a Journal Article in APA Format

When preparing a journal article:

  • Follow the IMRAD structure: The methodology encompasses four basic sections 
  • Some journals are very specific about the format of references and therefore, format references according to APA format.

Writing a Journal Review in APA Format

  • In one or two sentences, tell the main points of the article.
  • To what extent does it point out its strengths and weaknesses?

Citing an article in APA style

  • Reference: Writing APA Style
  • Books:

 Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.

  • Websites:

 Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the webpage. Website Name. URL

  • Journal Articles:

 Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the article. Surname, First and second initials, Journal title, Volume number(issue number): pages. DOI

APA Citation Guidelines

In-Text Citations: Walter, W.M., (2022)

Quotations: For citations of quotations, use the page number of the quotation: (Walter, 2022: 54).

Paraphrasing: If paraphrasing the original text is used, one has to provide the source of the information used.

Formatting the APA Title Page

Title centered and bolded.

Professional Papers

Append a running head and an author note to answer publication necessities.

APA Style Tools and Resources

APA  Format
APA Format
  • Citation Generators: There exists also specific programs such as Zotero or EasyBib whose function is to facilitate the citation.
  • Online Resources: Some websites that provide links to free tutorials include Purdue OWL.

FAQs about APA Style

What does APA style mean and why it is useful?

 Writing in the APA style ensures that writing is both clear and concise and is consistent with writing styles presented in professional journals following the publication of the fourth edition of the American Psychologists Association manual.

How do I write an APA-style paper step by step?

 Begin with appropriate organizing of the documents and include the title, abstract, main text, and references part.

What are the basic requirements of an APA title page?

 Writing your paper you should write the title, your name, affiliation, the course you are studying, and the date of writing.

In APA formatting what tools are helpful?

 They include Grammarly and online citation generators among the tools that help students compose papers.


Learning how to write an APA-style paper step by step is a vital skill for academic and professional success. When you write it according to APA format, you increase your reliability, provide clear structure as well as participate in the academic society. So with much practice and more than anything supported by the APA manual, you will be formatting using this important formatting style conveniently. Learn MLA formatting style!

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